
Some of the significant aptitudes which will assist me with achieving my objectives.









Word Excel


Resarch Proposal Writing


Workshop/Conference organising


Lab setup and guidance


Antenna designing and testing


Fabrication (Solid state devices)


Work Experience

Assistant Professor,GTBIT July 2007 – present

Microwave and RADAR Engineering
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Digital Communication
Optical Communication
Communication Systems and Circuits
Switching Theory and Logic Design


Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “UWB metamaterial loaded antenna for C- band applications,”International Journal of Antenna and Propagation, HINDAWI,(SCI-E indexed), Volume 2019, Article ID 6087039, 13 pages.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, " S-shaped metamaterial ultra-wideband and Directive patch antenna”,Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, SPRINGER (SCOPUS indexed), Vol 61, No 9 (2018)..

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “UWB , miniaturized and directive metamaterial loaded antenna for satellite applications,” International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing ,(ESCI indexed) , Atlantis Press, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp 24-34, 2018.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “UWB and miniaturized meandered stripline fed metamaterial loaded antenna for satellite applications,” IOP conference series: Material Science and Engineering Journal, (Web of Science, CPCI-S, indexed) , Dec 2018.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De , “A study on the effect of metamaterial‟s positioning and stacking on antenna‟s parameters, “International journal of Electronics, Taylor and Francis Group (SCI Indexed), May 2017.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De , “Miniaturized UWB multi-resonance patch antenna loaded with novel modified H-shape SRR metamaterial for microspacecraft applications,” Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 1883–1891, 2017, Springer (SCI Indexed),

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “Proposing a 4-seg SRR metamaterial structure for improvement of performance parameters of microstrip antennas,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 97, Dec 2016.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “Ultra Wide Band , Multi-resonance Antenna using swastika metamaterial,” International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology,(SCOPUS indexed),Vol. 11, No. 6,November 2016.

Parul Dawar, Asok De , N.S. Raghava, “UWB and Directive E-shaped metamaterial patch antenna,” Materials Research Innovations, (SCOPUS indexed), Taylor and Francis Group, Volume 20, Issue 3,pp. 240- 246, 2016.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “High gain, directive and miniaturized metamaterial C-band antenna,” Cogent OA Physics, Taylor and Francis Group, (ESCI indexed) ,Vol 3: 1236510,September 2016.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “A novel metamaterial for miniaturization and multi-resonance in antenna,” Cogent OA Physics, Taylor and Francis Group, (ESCI indexed), Vol. 2, Issue 1, Nov.2015.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “Tunable and directive metamaterial-inspired antennas for „C‟ Band Applications,” International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology,(SCOPUS indexed), Vol. 10,

Parul Dawar, Asok De , “ Bandwidth and gain enhancement of RPA using C shaped metamaterial at THz,” International Journal of Scientific World, Feb 2015, Vol. 3 No.1, pp. 59-68, article id: 413.

Parul Dawar, N.S. Raghava, Asok De, “FEM and Transmission line based analysis of “Closed Ring Pair‟ metamaterial,” International Journal of Signal Processing ,Image Processing and Pattern, Vol. 8, Issue 12, pp. 351-356,2015.

Parul Dawar, Asok De, “Tunability of Triangular SRR and Wire Strip (TSRR-WS) metamaterial at THz,” Advances in Optical Technologies (SCOPUS indexed), Hindawi Journal, Vol. 2014, Article ID 405301, 10 pages.

Parul Dawar, Asok De, “Effect of splits in resonance permeability of ESRR metamaterial at THz,” Procedia Materials Science Journal (SCOPUS indexed), Elsevier, Sept 2014, pp. 1936-1941.

Parul Dawar, Asok De, “Bandwidth Enhancement of RMPA Using 2-Segment Labyrinth Metamaterial at THz,” Materials Sciences and Applications (SCIRP), Vol.4, No.10 October 2013, pp. 579-588.

Parul Dawar ‟Design and simulation of rotary field ferrite phase shifter using Ansoft HFSS”, ACCTA- 2010,International conference on advances in computer communication technology,IJCCT,vol 1 Issue 2,3,4:pg 111-115.

Parul Dawar,”Design and simulation of magic tee and ring hybrid coupler using Ansoft HFSS”, IJCST 2011,Vol 2 Issue 1,March 2011.ISSN no.-09768491(online) and 22294333 (print) pg 199-202

Parul Dawar,”C-V characterization of GaAs MESFET” IJECT 2011,ISSN 22307109 online, ISSN 22309543 print, Vol 2 issue 2, pg 53-54

Parul Dawar, “Analysis of branchline coupler using Sonnetlite”, IJECT 2012,ISSN 22307109 online, ISSN 22309543 print, Vol.3 Issue 1, Jan to March, 2012


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